The National Association of Ayurvedic Schools and Colleges (NAASC) posts updates, articles and announcements on our blog. See our latest postings below.
The National Association of Ayurvedic Schools and Colleges supports schools in teaching Ayurveda as a universal system of holistic, preventative, curative, and natural medicine that is: 1) accessible to all cultures and people of various religious and/or spiritual preferences (as well as non-practitioners of religion) 2) accessible to modern scientists and medical practitioners. NAASC does…
It is the position of the National Association of Ayurvedic Schools and Colleges (NAASC) that all schools of Ayurvedic Medicine should focus on the competency of their graduates rather than adhere to any uniform prescribed methodology. On July 20th, 2020, member schools of NAASC voted unanimously on the following motion: “That the National Association…
It is a requirement of the National Association of Ayurvedic Schools and Colleges that all member schools are operating legally and follow minimum standards for all post-secondary schools in their state. Students invest thousands of dollars and hours in their education. To protect this investment, most states have established regulatory boards that set minimum…
Here is a list of trade associations and clubs serving the Ayurvedic industry at this time. Some practitioners choose to be members of these associations. Joining these clubs offers networking opportunities for practitioners, as well as participation in seminars and conferences. Generally, practitioners are familiar with these organizations but clients may be unaware of them.…
The scope of this article is limited to the laws that affect Ayurvedic Schools in the United States and their ability to provide Ayurvedic Education. Only a brief and general mention is being made regarding the legal status of the practice of Ayurveda. Background and History Ayurvedic education has been taking place in the United…
GIVING SCHOOLS A VOICE NAASC gives Ayurveda schools the opportunity to have a voice and decide the future of Ayurveda education in the United States. NAASC school members vote directly on issues, policy, and the board of directors. Our board of directors is administrative only. POLICY – Members vote and decide policy directly.…